Everything About Mom Jeans

Mom jeans have been around for decades, but in recent years, mom jeans have become a popular style for women of all ages. But what exactly are they? And how do you wear mom jeans without looking like a mom?

Here’s a guide to mom jeans – what they are and how to wear them.

What are Mom jeans?

What are Mom jeans
What are Mom jeans

Mom jeans are a style of denim jeans that have become popular in recent years for their high-waisted, baggy appearance. They feature a looser fit in the leg and crotch area, creating an exaggeratedly long and flat look for the buttocks.  

Some features of mom jeans include extra room in the zipper, crotch, and leg areas to provide more comfort and flexibility. They are usually worn as a casual attire and are often paired with t-shirts, sneakers, or other comfortable clothing items. 

Mom jeans were popular in the 1980s and 1990s. They are typically high-waisted and have a relaxed, comfortable fit. Mom jeans became popular again in the 2010s, thanks to celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Rihanna who began wearing them as fashion statements. Some people view Mom jeans as being unsexy or unflattering, but others appreciate their comfort and practicality. 

Mom jeans usually consists of a high waist rising above the navel, making the buttocks appear disproportionately longer, larger, and flatter

Why are they called mom jeans?

Mom jeans are called mom jeans because they are designed to be comfortable and practical for mothers.

The term “mom jeans” was first used in the late 1990s, when the style became popular among middle-aged women. They usually have a high waist and a relaxed fit. They are often made from denim that is softer and more stretchy than regular jeans. 

What makes Mom Jeans so unique?

What makes Mom Jeans so unique
What makes Mom Jeans so unique

Mom jeans are unique because they are designed to be comfortable and practical. They often have a high waist and relaxed fit, making them ideal for everyday wear. However, it has excess space in the zipper, crotch, and leg areas.  Also, Mom jeans usually have wide-leg openings and roomy seats, which make mom jeans so unique.

Mom Jeans Vs Regular Jeans

Differences between Mom jeans and Regular jeans
Differences between Mom jeans and Regular jeans

Mom jeans and regular jeans are both types of denim pants, but they have some key differences.

  • Mom jeans are usually high-waisted and have a relaxed fit, while regular jeans are more fitted and have a lower waistline.
  • Mom jeans often have straight leg openings, while regular jeans can have either straight or flared leg openings.
  • Mom jeans also tend to be roomier in the hips and thighs, while regular jeans are more fitted in those areas.
  • Finally, mom jeans typically have large pockets and may even have embellishments such as distressing or patchwork, while regular jeans tend to be more simple in design.

Difference Between Mom Jeans and Boyfriend Jeans

Difference between mom jeans and boyfriend jeans
Difference between mom jeans and boyfriend jeans

Mom jeans and boyfriend jeans are both comfortable, relaxed-fit styles that have become popular in recent years. However, there are some key differences between the two. Difference between mom jeans and boyfriend jeans:

Mom jeans are typically high-waisted with a straight-leg silhouette, while boyfriend jeans are lower on the waist and have a more relaxed, tapered leg.

When it comes to fabric, mom jeans are usually made from sturdier denim that can hold its shape well, whereas boyfriend jeans are often made from a softer, more lightweight denim.

And finally, mom jeans tend to be more fitted through the hips and thighs, while boyfriend jeans usually have a looser, more relaxed fit in these areas.

Are mom jeans meant to be baggy?

Yes, mom jeans are meant to be baggy. However, they’re designed to have a comfortable, relaxed fit that allows you to move around quickly.

Mom jeans are good for big thighs

Yes, mom jeans can be good for big thighs. They typically have a higher waistband that helps to give you a more streamlined look.

They also usually have a looser fit around the thigh area. This allows you to comfortably fit your larger thighs into the jeans without feeling too constricted or tight. However, they still showcase the curves of your backside and don’t hide your hips.


So there you have it – everything you need to know about mom jeans! They’re comfortable, stylish, and versatile and can be dressed up or down to suit any occasion. 

Go ahead and try them–you might find yourself reaching for them again and again.

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